The course is exclusive with few students (six participants) and two teachers, and our experience tells us that we are therefore able to create a real change of behavior for the individual participant. The day is based on musical exercises, the students will be videotaped for a personal examination of the students’ development in the afternoon. Outcome is the personal feeling of being in control as a leader.
The purpose of addressing uncertainty / insecurity / anxiety is to create an intense and stressful scenario with musical exercises – in a safe and fun environment. In this framework, it becomes possible to focus on the body and on nonverbal communication. Once calmness is established – and it will be – the focus is shifted to the personal aspect of leadership, authority, commitment, the courage to be vulnerable, and the personal presence: the conductor toolbox.
At the beginning of the course day, the teachers give feedback – and thus a vocabulary for the course. There are common reflections on the teachings, and gradually the teaching is left to the students, who are now giving each other feedback. The credibility and confidence that is the prerequisite for the intense day can only be established on small exclusive teams.
As a participant You will experience the course from two different angles: You’ll get personal feedback when you yourself experience acting as a conductor in front of the team. And You will observe and comment on the other participants’ performance and development in the role of leader.
Course participant: ‘… but I would actually say that I learned the most when the others were instructed and I took the criticism they got and used it on myself’.